
The Every Nation Schools of Empowerment are a series of ministry schools designed to equip church members and leaders of all ages with the theology and practical expertise to minister, evangelize and live their lives in step with the Holy Spirit. Through extended times of worship and prayer, teaching, impartation and activation students are able to grow from one school to the next – developing a deeper relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit and moving on towards specialization in the specific area that God has them called to.

Each school is kept purposely short in order to be as accessible as possible to anyone with a hunger to grow to maturity in their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Schools are hosted by local churches all over the world, so hopefully a school will be available in your region.

The Schools of Empowerment are a part of the Every Nation family of churches in over 60 nations whose goal it is to reach every nation in our generation. Our vision is to honor God by planting Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially-responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation. For more information, please go to www.everynation.org.

It's time to ignite your destiny.

Come and immerse yourself in prayer, worship, teaching, practical activation and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.